Produce pick-up from local grocery

On Going project

Leaping Lizard Rescue can have as many as 150 animals needing support/sanctuary from our rescue program at any one time. It takes an enormous amount of food/money to feed them correctly.

Make a request at the local Albertson to pick-up any produce that they would otherwise discard to help off-set this cost.

1) Write a letter to their corporate headquarters making the formal request on behalf of our non-profit animal rescue.
2) Once request is granted, make arrangements to pick-up produce from the store.
3) Assist produce manager and employees anyway you need to to make pickups smooth and consistent.
4) Bring food to animal rescue site to be sorted, refrigerated, and stored.
5) Make extra produce available to other rescues.
6) dispose of produce that has spoiled into compose pile.
7) Recycle cardboard boxes.

We have established a very good relationship with our local Albertson's, and pick-up
produce that would otherwise be thrown away 7 days a week / 365 days a year.

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